2283 North Fair Oaks Avenue
Altadena, California 91001
Pastor Tyrone Skinner, D. Min
Fourth Sunday November 26, 2023
A lighthouse for Christ in the community
Church Motto: The Church in the Heart of the Community
With the Community at Heart. A place where you can grow.
Church Office (626) 798-8611 E-MAIL: MBCalta@sbcglobal.net
FAX (626) 798-6245
Virtual & in Person Worship Guide
Thematic Emphases: Thanksgiving/Men’s Month
Sunday School at 8:30 am (In Person & Virtually)
Below is the ZOOM link and the phone number for those who prefer to dial in.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 5001 7551
Sunday Virtual Worship at 10:00 am
Facebook Page
Sunday Youth Church 10:00 am
2nd Sunday; Youth & Children Worship10:00 am
Children's Church Sunday 10:00 am
Wednesdays Bible Study at 12:00 Noon in person and virtually
Join Zoom Meeting
Facebook Page
Metro Prayer Line
Monday-Friday at 6-7 am
Call-in at the Conference Call
Phone Number: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 824 1349 2972#
May the Lord Continue to keep you in
His Care!!
Fourth Sunday – November 26, 2023
ATTENTION ALL MINISTRIES URGENT!!! Please complete blank calendar in your mailbox and return to Sis. S. Yarbrough on or before Sunday December 10, 2023. It is important to adhere to the timeline because the completed calendar is due before the end of the year. Please include the place and beginning and ending time of your activity. Any questions, and or concerns, please call S. Yarbrough 626-791-4352.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDS! The Kingdom Kids Ministry leaders are seeking volunteers to assist on Wednesday nights from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. with the preparation of our children for their Christmas play. We need each of you on Wednesday nights. The children will need assistance in learning their lines and also songs. We may also need assistance with costumes and other props. We have invited children from three (3) area Good News Club (Washington, Altadena and Jackson elementary schools) to participate in this event. Come out and support our children.
Kingdom Kids Ministry
HAPPY HOLIDAYS METROPOLITAN FAMILY: We will begin giving out names for the Angel Tree Children give away in the church Lobby Sunday, December 3, 2023. Please come see the Angel Tree Ministry to obtain a child. We will need gifts back by Sunday, December17, 2023. Please see Debbie Ayers or Sandra Lee for additional information.
Vouchers, Vouchers, and more Vouchers! Church leaders, please submit vouchers by 12 noon on Sundays to help ensure adequate time for required approvals and check preparation on Thursdays. If you have any urgent requests, please contact your Deacon Liaison to assist in expediting. Thank you!
Metro Finance Team
SAVE THE DATE - The kingdom Kids Ministry is hosting a Christmas play here at Metropolitan in the Sanctuary on Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. The title of the play is "The New Star". The play will be performed by young people of all ages. Please mark your calendar, so you will not accept another invitation on that date. Looking forward to seeing you there. Support our children, they are our future.
Kingdom Kids Ministry
ATTENTION!!! Please join the Dorcas and Deborah circles on Wednesday from 11:00AM - 12:00PM. The NEW Zoom Link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84893506574
OR YOU CAN CALL IN: 1.669.900.6833 Meeting ID: 848 9350 6574
Sis. Sadiqa Harris
PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY: Please join us for Prayer and Bible Study in person and virtually each Wednesday, at 12:00 Noon on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/mbcaltadena/, or join the Zoom Meeting. The new Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84893506574 or you can dial into +1-669-900-6833, US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 848 9350 6574. If you have any questions about using ZOOM. Please feel free to call Gloria Nunn (626)824-5507.
YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT IS NEEDED: Please continue to send your Tithes/Contributions to the church by mail, or you may drop them off in the church mail slot near the Church Office at 2283 North Fair Oaks Ave., Altadena, CA 91001. You may also log onto the church's website which is, mbcaltadena.org/giving. Thank you. Stay safe.
Help Wanted: The Audio/Media Ministry is seeking volunteers to assist in operating our sound board, working our computers, managing our social media accounts and updating our Website. Training is available. If you can dedicate one Sunday out of the month it would be greatly appreciated. Please see Deacon Leonard Brown, Jr. for more details and to sign up.
The Male Chorus is inviting all men to join us each 3rd Sunday to sing praises to God and His Son Jesus The Christ! We rehearse each Friday before the 3rd Sunday at 7 pm, at the Metropolitan Baptist Church.
Respectfully submitted by Deacon Bro. Dean Cooper
Church Office Hours:
Monday & Tuesday: 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Wednesday thru Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
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Dwayne & Kimberly Gaither Dallas Burton Pastor Skinner & Family
Monique Baker Mother Birdie Bailey Our Church Family
Shawn Robertson Mother Sandra Thomas Bro. Robert Gilliam
Bro. Anthony Simmons Sis. Janice Miles Single Parents
Melvin Mayweather Sis. Wilma Roberts Leonard Gilliam & Family
Mr. David Lee Glenda Davis Mother Sandra Thomas & Family Stacee Tripplet Mother Myrtis Walker Sis. Lataska Ridgeway & Family
Rae Dene Hines Jeffrey Prison Inmates & Guards
Fred Castillo Sis. Pat Nash Vaughn Horton & Errol Horton
Mr. Murray Smith The Shackelford Family Victoria Amerson
Tina Harkness Sis. Brenda Gillespie Sis. Viola Andrews & Family
Tyreena White Edna L. Stephen Sis. Janet Randolph
John Baker Deacon Joe Brown Tonie Groom
Yazmin Williams Bro. Bobby Huston Eric C. Crutchen
Bro. Neil Robertson Sis. Jo Lynn Horton Renisha Gilliam & Family
Sharon Scott Juanita Moore Patsy Williams-Ross
Marthann Palmer Mattie M. Douglas Quarker Thomas Joseph, Jr.
Melrose Davis Sis. Ernestine Menephee David Cooper, Jr.
Yvonne Maywether Reggie Swain Terry Joseph
Jerome Nunn, Jr. Theresa Quarker Kennon Hamilton
Audree Snowden Sharron Quarker William & Rose Barlow
Bro. Clifford Franklin Derrick Quarker Youth & Young Adults
Deri Sullivan Shane Haylock Sis. Janice Miles & Family
Dr. Yvonne Maywether Sis. Lynette Franklin Jereme Pinkney
Dorothy Wright Sis. Catherine Rhodes Thaddeus Brown
Terry Johnson Sis. Cornelia Gates The Gillespie Family
Kenya DeJarnette Bro. Phil Madden Alyssa Brown
Diane Hanks Deacon O. Washington Woodrow Johnson
Darrell Robinson Catrina Curry Victor Gillespie
Kendall Nash Caterra Curry Freddie Finister, Jr. & Family
Brian Carter Donald Brize The Ludd Family
Jalen Welcome Carl Harris, Jr. Russell Collier
Rose Armstrong Harold Colbert, III Thaddeus Brown, II
Kent Armstrong Vicky Gillespie Barbara Butler
Sis Sadiqa Harris & Family
Felicia Finister
Micah Finister
Elaine Finister
The Family of Attorney Joe Hopkins
Mother Mary McNair & Family
Deacon Leonard Brown, Sr. & Family
Sis. Johnetta Swain & Family
Deacon/Dr. H. Dean Cooper & Family
Pastor Skinner & Family
Sis. Annie Brown & Family
Please remember to pray for, visit, send a card, or call our members that are sick and shut-in, or hospitalized.
Sis. Lorraine Williams Sis. Anita Bell
2933 Blue Holly Lane Brighton Care Center
Oak Hill, VA 20171 1836 N. Fair Oaks Avenue RM #34A
703.471.9463 (Home) Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 798-9124
Bro. Christopher Phillips
Pasadena Grove Health Center
1470 N. Fair Oaks Avenue RM #10A
(626) 798-9133
(909) 977-8438 (his cell)