Youth Ministry Updates
October 26th: Movie Night at 7 pm
October 23rd: Coat giveaway, south lot
Weekly Events
Wednesday Youth 6:30 pm
Sunday Youth Church 10:00 am
2nd Sunday; Youth & Children Worship 10:00 am

2nd Sunday Announcements October 9, 2022
Are You Ready For Some Football? Join the Men's Ministry today, October 9, 2022
at 5:00 p.m. in Malone Hall for the Sunday night game. Fellowship tonight's game will be the
Cincinnati Bengals versus the Baltimore Ravens will have food, and games ( Connect 4 and Speed tournament), and our hot topic will be is Social Media Harmful to me.

REAL! Sunday, October 16, WOMEN's DAY! Women Day Worship's last Rehearsal is
THURSDAY, October 13th at 7:00 pm in Malone Hall. ALL LADIES ARE INVITED (past
singers and new singers). The color is SHADES OF PINK. Continue to pray for God's
direction. Looking forward to seeing you all this Thursday for a Hallelujah time. Love to all.
Geri Coates, Music Director
Metropolitan Trustee Board Announcements!
1. Metropolitan Trustee Board has relaxed the COVID-19 protocols for the church given the
decrease in cases in this area. Currently, masks are strongly recommended indoors but no longer mandatory. Physical distancing is still encouraged especially while dining indoors. If you are sick, we still ask that you join our services virtually until you are well. The Public Health Emergency is still in place in California and we may see an increase in flu, colds, and COVID-19 around the end and first of the year. The Metro COVID Protocols are subject to change and may roll back if we see a significant rise in cases. We appreciate your understanding that we want everyone to be safe while worshipping with us. Stay prayerful that we will continue to see decreases in COVID cases. Thanks, again!
Metro Trustee Board
Hello Metro Family, the Overcomers would like to extend our community outreach to include, Coats/Jackets this year. We are asking for any New or Slightly Used Jackets /Coats to be donated so that we can give them out to the homeless in the community. We are asking that the Coats/jackets be Pre-Cleaned or washed. We will be taking donations from October thru November.
We accept gift cards for the purchase of coats/jackets. Please see Mico Borders, Debbie Ayers, and Roxie Gilliam if you have donations.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. God Bless.

YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT IS NEEDED: Please continue to send your
tithes/contributions to the church by mail, or you may drop them off in the church mail slot near the Church Office at 2283 North Fair Oaks Ave., Altadena, CA 91001. You may also log onto the church's website which is,, and use Pay Pal. Thank you. Stay safe.
Pastor Tyrone Skinner
Please join the Dorcas and Deborah circles on Wednesday from 11:00 am
- 12:00pm. The NEW Zoom Link is, OR YOU CAN
CALL IN: 1.669.900.6833 Meeting ID: 848 9350 6574
Sis. Sadiqa Harris
WOMEN IN OUR COMMUNITY: One of the loving characteristics of our beloved
First Lady Trudell was her dedication to helping women in our community. The Women of
Metropolitan is committed to continuing her legacy. We will be making financial donations to several/organizations that support needy women in the community and we are asking for your help in this endeavor. Please designate “Charitable Donations” on your offering envelope. We thank you for your participation in this project
Deaconess Karen Franklin
Chairperson, Women's Ministry
Join us For Bible Study virtually each Wednesday, at 12:00 Noon on Facebook
Live at , or join the Zoom Meeting.
The new zoom Link is shown below.
Join Zoom Meeting
+1-669-900-6833, US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 848 9350 6574
If you have any questions about using ZOOM. Please feel free to call Gloria Nunn
Just a Reminder to the membership. Please visit the church website,, and/or Facebook Live at, to watch worship services on Sundays at 10 am. Also, join Pastor Skinner and others on the Prayer
Line, 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 824 1349 2972#.
Church Office Hours:
Monday & Tuesday: 1:00 – 5:00 pm Wednesday thru Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm